Chronic Kidney Disease Ayurvedic Medicine and Diet Plan 
We know that the kidney is the vital task of balancing these substances in the body by removing the body of water, urine salt, and alkali. Kidney failure, it is not properly functioning control. As a result of kidney failure patients in water, salt, Potashiymayukt Khadhy material etc. General may only occur at times serious problem taking. Kidney less efficient kidney patients failure to save more weight and body water, salt and alkalinity material that must necessarily change in diet to maintain proper amount. Chronic kidney after taking into account the importance of diet failure of successful treatment is deemed appropriate dietary information and guidance. But you have to have certain foods in accordance with the advice of your doctor.
Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Diet
What are the benefits of therapy? To slow the progression of chronic kidney disease and postpone. Need dialysis to avert a long time. Reducing toxic effects of excess urea in the blood. Maintaining high nutritional status and prevent the loss of body fluid. Reducing the risk of disturbances of fluid and electrolyte. Heart to reduce the risk of disease.
Diet Plan Theory chronic kidney Most of the Failure Patients are generally advised to take the following foods that take in water and the amount of work directed fluid. Dietary sodium potassium and phosphorus that amount should be reduced. Protein intake should not exceed. Usually, take equal protein per body weight 1.0 g / kg to 0.8 that is advisable. Patients who are already looking on dialysis need to increase them in the amount of protein (1.0-1.2 gm/kg body wt / day). During the reaction it is necessary to cause damage to proteins, to compensate. Carbohydrates are the full extent recommend taking (per day equal to 35-40 kcal/kg body weight) in. Ghee, oil, butter and Charbi wale diet given low doses that advice.
- HIGH CALORIES DIET require enough calories to maintain the high-calorie intake, body temperature, growth, daily activity, and body weight. Mostly calories supplied by fat and carbohydrates. Commonly 35 requires -40 kcal/kg Chronic Kidney Disease (C.K.D.) Is the patient per day. If calorie intake is insufficient, then use the protein by the body to provide calories in the body. Protein can be a harmful effect of this disruption. As to produce greater malnutrition and waste products. So C.K.D. It is important to count calories for patients, as well as take into account the current weight.
- CARBOHYDRATE carbohydrate is the primary source of calories for the body. Wheat, pulses, rice, get potatoes, fruit, vegetables, sugar, honey, cakes, biscuits, carbohydrates and sweets and beverages. Therefore, patients with diabetes and obesity should be taken to limit the number of carbohydrates. Best if the patient screenings using the French were rice, such as complex carbohydrates without containing wheat, because of its fiber (Reshyukt) diet. It is beneficial for the body. Carbohydrates should be a big part of these Khag foods diet. Especially total of all other simple sugar containing foods diabetics should not drink more than 20%. In patients who have diabetes are the number of calories in your diet can lead them protein-rich foods containing carbohydrates, such as fruit, cakes, cookies, jelly, chocolate honey limited quantities, almonds, bananas, sweets.
- FAT: It is an important source of calories to body fat. Protein and fat than carbohydrates that provide twice the amount of calories. Unsaturated or good fats (Unsaturated), the source is olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, safflower oil, fish and almond oil. Saturated or some source of bad fat, red meat, poultry, Dudhr, butter, GHI, cheese, and is better than fat. C.. D. The patient should be low in saturated or bad fat and cholesterol in your diet because it can cause heart disease.
- LOW-SALT(SODIUM) DIET: Kidney failure patients prescribe the salt (sodium) in small amounts in the diet? The body helps the sodium water (salt) and maintain the proper amount of blood pressure. The body regulates kidney appropriate amount of sodium. When this occurs, the body lacks the functionality of the kidney, stops to get more sodium by the kidneys and therefore increases the amount of sodium in the body.
- LOW POTASSIUM DIET: Why is low potassium diet: Kidney patients’ failure to prescribe low potassium in the diet generally? Body normal amount of heart and potassium for the proper functioning of muscles is important. Kidney patients the failure risk of increased potassium in the blood. The chronic kidney may be insufficient to remove the potassium from the kidney of blood disease patients and may increase the amount of potassium in the further blood. This situation is called “Haiprkelemia”. Compared to hemodialysis are patients who are going through a tour of peritoneal dialysis is less danger of Haiprkelemia. The risk in both groups would be different is because peritoneal dialysis procedures are continuous while hemodialysis intermittent. At higher doses, the functionality of the heart and nerves of the body of potassium in the blood can have serious effects. Potassium levels heart rate in future murderous threats grows more scarce, to be reduced to a sudden stop and stop breathing because it can work muscles of the lungs. The problem to increase the amount of potassium in the body is likely to be fatal, yet it no special symptoms appears. So it is called “Silent killer.
Is generally much potassium in the blood? This volume is a concern on how to grow? Generally, the amount of potassium in the body is 5.0 mEq / L to 3.5. When the amount of eating it becomes 6 mEq / L 5 caution is necessary. When 6.5 is overuse of mEq / L, then the danger is and when it becomes more than the amount of potassium 7 mEq / L, it can be fatal at any time.
Diet Chart of Kidney Failure Persons
The composition of the daily diet of patients with kidney failure should be food and water in the amount of how every day, this chart is designed by dietician according to information of nephrologist. However, general information about the diet is as follows:
- The water went and information provided by the fluid: Doctor should drink the same amount. Daily weight and should chart. If we make a sudden increase in weight, one should understand that it has taken more water
- Carbohydrates: a body with sufficient calories at grains and pulses for him (if diabetes, either) sugar or can be used in foods with high concentrations of glucose.
- Protein: Protein is mainly found in higher levels in milk, cereals, grains, eggs, chicken. When not needed dialysis, patients with kidney failure that conditions are advised to take a little less protein (equivalent to 8 g / kg body weight). While regular Himodayalisis and (CAPD) have more protein to patients is essential. (CAPD) Fluid when carrying out turns only out proteins with the same fluid, so if one did not have much protein in the diet, the body protein is reduced, which is harmful.
- Fatty substance (should reduce fatty substances): Fatty substances. Ghee, should less eat butter and so on. But these are also harmful to the very close. Oils commonly peanut oil or soybean oil are beneficial for both body, still advisable to take them in moderation.
- Salt: Most patients are advised to take less salt. Above salt should not dredge. Baking soda – baking powder objects should not take or should take less. Salt instead of rock salt and salt (low sodium salt) should take less.
- Grain should use things like Poha (Ciudha), rice or make from grain. Every day at the same place to pick up grains of wheat, rice, Poha, tapioca, semolina, flour, fresh corn, Cornflakes etc. can be taken on. Tide, should corn and lower market.
- Pulses: The Different kinds of pulses can be used in the right amount, which continues to diversify food. The amount of water with lentils should reduce. As far as possible, lentils should thick. Dal quantity should be in accordance with the doctor’s advice. Of pulses after washing it with more water to reduce potassium Hot soaked in water should throw away the water. After boiling, the more lentils in water should taste by throwing water. Lentils and porridge made from rice of choice, dosa, etc. can also be eaten.
- vegetables are in accordance with the former can be used to reduce Potassium vegetables without any trouble. More in accordance with vegetable pre potassium should be made in the amount of potassium and can be squeezed lemon lentil vegetable flavor
- Fruit should reduce Potassium fruits such as apples, papaya, guava, plum, etc. No more than once a day to eat. Dialysis day before dialysis Anyone can be eaten as a fruit. Coconut water should not juice.
- Milk and made her objects: every day 300 to 350 ml of milk or other things like pudding made from milk, ice cream, yogurt, apart from whey and so on. At the same time, water should take the whey moderation Considering instructed to take less.
- Drink: Do not take soft drinks such as Pepsi, silence, fruity. Fruit juice and coconut water should not.
- Sukhamewa: dry fruit, peanut seeds, sesame, green or should not dried coconut