Piles Ayurvedic Treatment

Piles is another term for hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are groups of inflamed tissue in the anal canal.   Hemorrhoids carry blood vessels, support tissue, muscle, and elastic fibers. Many people have piles problem, the symptoms are not always obvious.

What are piles?

A person with piles may experience swollen collections of tissue in the anal area. Piles are inflamed and swollen collections of tissue in the anal area. They can have a  differ of sizes, and they may be internal or external.


In most cases, the symptoms of piles are not serious. They normally sort out on their own after a few days.

following symptoms of plies :

  • A solid, possibly painful lump may be felt around the anus. It may contain coagulated blood. Piles that contain blood are called thrombosed external hemorrhoids.
  • After passing a stool,Bright red blood is visible after a bowel movement.
  • The part of the anus area is itchy, red, and sore.
  • When you will pass the stool you will experience some Pain.

Piles can escalate into a more severe condition. This can include:

  • excessive anal bleeding, also possibly leading to anemia
  • infection fecal incontinence, or an incapability to control bowel movements

Piles is classified into four grades:

  • Grade I: There are small inflammations, habitually inside the lining of the anus. They are not visible.
  • Grade II: Grade II piles are larger than grade I piles, but also remain inside the anus.
  • Grade III: Grade III   are  known as prolapsed hemorrhoids, and look outside the anus. The sole may feel them hanging from the rectum, but they can be easily re-inserted.
  • Grade IV: These cannot be drive back in and need treatment. They are huge and remain outside of the anus.

External piles form small lumps on the outer  edge of the anus. They are very itchy and can become painful if a blood clot grow, as the blood clot can block the flow of blood.



This may be due to:

  • chronic constipation
  • chronic diarrhea
  • lifting heavy weights
  • pregnancy
  • straining when passing a stool
  • The tendency to develop piless may also be inherited and increases with age.

badi bawaseer ka ilaj


  • Lifestyle changes
  • Piles can occur due to straining during bowel movements. Excessive straining is the result of constipation. Become different in diet can help keep the stools regular and soft.
  • This involves eating more fiber, such as fruit and vegetables, or primarily eating bran-based breakfast cereals.
  • The person with piles to get larger amount of  their water consumption. It is best to avoid caffeine.
  • Losing weight may help make less the incidence and severity of piles.

Arogyadhamhcc will help you get the right solution of Piles. We will help you cure piles with Ayurvedic medicines which do not have any side effect.