What Is Glomerulus Disease?
A glomerulus is a network (the herd of the capillary located at the beginning of the nephrons in the kidney). In the formation of urine, nephrons are the first steps to cleanse blood filters and processes.
Attacking small units of Glomerular will affect kidney function in many cases. Glomeruriyl has many cases of genetic and environmental factors in many conditions and diseases that have potential to lead to renal failure. It refers to a group of symptoms including Edema, Proteinuria, Hyperlipidaemia,and Hypoalbuminemia.
It damages leads to leak of Glomerular, protein and sometimes red blood cells of urine. Many times, a Glomemeryulr interfere with the removal of piles of garbage of kidney disease, so they start to strengthen in blood. In addition, it can cause the normal blood loss of blood pressure of albuminous blood proteins in such urine, cause the level of blood glucose in your level, Albumin acts like a sponge body, where it removes the kidneys. Keeps the blood of extra fluid from it but when Albumin lays urine leaks, the body loses the ability to absorb excess fluid. The fluid, hands, feet, or circulatory system in the face may be stored outside the ankle and can cause swelling.
Why It Is Dangerous?
The Glomerular number of different disease applications can cause damage and therefore the kidneys can cause failure. Glomerulonefraitis and Glomerulosclerosis have extensive periods, including many disadvantages of glomeruli:
- As per the kidneys, the filter, waste and blood gives glomerulonefratis as described in the inflammatory tissue of the excess fluid.
- Glomerulosclerosis describes small blood in the brain or inside of the kidneys.
But there are many reasons for glomerulonfretis and glomerulosclerosis, but it can cause both kidney failure. Skarrm is some kind of slow kidney failure can never repair, but glomeruli is a failure. The initial phase of the renal failure treatment depends on the harmful disease. Pee or blood or protein and foot symptom, stomach or failure is involved in the face of the face in the urine. Kidney Failure for many years can be silent.
Albuminuria: Protein in large amounts in urine
Hives: Swelling in Body Parts
Low Glomeryulr Filtration Rate: The blood of Jag filtering waste
Hemturia: Blood in the urine
Haipoprotinemia: Low blood protein
The outcome of many diseases can be the disease of Glomemeryulr. This can be a direct result of a toxic drug for infections or kidneys, it is a disease that can affect the whole body as diabetes or lupus. There may be various types of inflammation or wound or nephron glomerulus disease. Sometimes the Agyathit Glomemeralr disease, which means that it happens without a clean engagement disease.
The symptoms mentioned below can be combined with two or more categories; Primary and Secondary Causes: Glomerirl Dises is important for diagnosing patterns of different results and different treatment types.Causes that are intrinsic to kidney are primary causes, whilst certain infections (bacterial, viral or parasitic pathogens), drugs, systemic disorders (SLE, vasculitis) or diabetes comes under secondary causes.
A. Autoimmune DiseasesDue to chronic underlying conditions, immune system of our body become invader against our own kidney instead of defending it and combating with the microbes and antigens. The immune system creates autoantibodies, which are antibodies or immunoglobulins that attack the body itself. Autoimmune diseases may be systemic and affect many parts of the body, or they may affect only specific organs or regions.
1. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) affects many parts of the body:
The body affects many parts of the lupus arithemetos (SLE). . The name of the lips nephritis SLE has been given the cause of the same kidney disease, and when done in glomeruli made or swelling, causing it to occur. The inflammation caused due to SLE and viral infection, may create scars that keep the kidneys from functioning properly.
2. Goodpasture’s Syndrome:
The rare stage of syndrome Gudpacr, which is particularly similar and is targeting the lungs and it affects most young people, but also women, children and elderly adults. It is cured with the blood of a good sign and causes progressive damage to the kidney.Plasmapheresis, blood cleaning therapy that removes the antibodies and some immunosuppressive drugs are included in the treatment.
3. IgA nephropathy :
It is a form of Glomeryulr’s disease, which is in the immunoglobulin A (IGA) Glomerular where it is the result of the inflammation. The most common symptoms of IGA nephropathy is blood in the urine, but it can often be ignored for several years that is a silent disease. This disease is the most common cause of major glomerulonephritis- which is a type of disease caused by lupus or diabetes melets as much as that. It seems to influence IGA nephropathy to more people than all age group women but found in the condition, because the young people rarely take years to progress the signs of the stage of the failure of the kidneys because the disease usually This causes complicated compliance.
B. Hereditary:
Nephritis—Alport Syndrome
But it may include hearing loss or loss of vision, Alpore Syndrome’s main index, is a family history of chronic Glomerirl disease. This syndrome affects both men and women, but people are more likely to experience kidney disease and sensory damage. Usually I can only remove this disease for their daughters to women this disease Will be able to emphasize the cure to control blood pressure to maintain their son or daughter kidney function.
C. Infection-related Glomerular Disease:
Glomerular disease sometimes develops rapidly after an infection in other parts of the body.
1. Acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN) can occur after an episode of strep throat or, in rare cases, impetigo (a skin infection). The Streptococcus bacteria do not attack the kidney directly, but an infection may stimulate the immune system to overproduce antibodies, which are circulated in the blood and finally deposited in the glomeruli, causing damage.PSGN can cause some sudden symptoms like swelling (edema), blood in urine (hematuria) and reduced urine output (oliguria). Reduced kidney function can be determined by elevated rates of creatinine, extensive amount of protein in urine and urea nitrogen in the blood through certain tests.
2. Bacterial endocarditis infection of the tissues inside the heart, is also associated with subsequent glomerular disease. Researchers are not sure whether the renal lesions that form after a heart infection are caused entirely by the immune response or whether some other disease mechanism contributes to kidney damage. Treating the heart infection is the most effective way of minimizing kidney damage. Endocarditis sometimes produces chronic kidney disease (CKD).
3. HIV the virus that leads to AIDS, can also cause glomerular disease. Between 5 and 10 percent of people with HIV experience kidney failure, even before developing full-blown AIDS. HIV-associated nephropathy usually begins with heavy proteinuria and progresses rapidly (within a year of detection) to total kidney failure.
D. Sclerotic Diseases
1. Glomerulosclerosis is scarring (sclerosis) of the glomeruli.. Various sclerotic conditions, such as the one-way disease is responsible for lupus or diabetes. Glomerulosclerosis is caused by the activity of the glomeryulr cell to produce the skin. This question can be enlarged by the fact that blood factor can be brought about by the development factor, the Glomeraylr cell or Glomeryuls filter to enter into can be made manually.
2. Sugar nephropathy is the main cause of glomeryulr disease and total kidney failure. Kidney Disease is one of the many problems due to the central feature of the high level of sugar glucose in the blood. In addition to the kidney points, increases blood glucose levels strain on the flow of kidneys, filtering glomeruli and increases blood pressure. Sugar nephropathy usually takes several years to develop
3. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is limited to a part of glomerulus in the affected areas as the kidney, which is common and minority glomeruli, is described in the scatter area as quarrels. As with an Agyathit kidney disease or with some unknown reason, Fsjis may also be the cause of disorder. Protinuria is the most common symptom of Fsjis
E. Other Glomerular Diseases
1. Membranous nephropathy
It is also called membranous glomerulopathy, is common cause of the nephrotic syndrome (proteinuria, edema, high cholesterol) after diabetic nephropathy. Diagnosis of membranous nephropathy requires a kidney biopsy, which reveals unusual deposits of immunoglobulin G and complement C3, substances created by the body’s immune system. Fully 75 percent of cases are idiopathic, which means that the cause of the disease is unknown. The remaining 25 percent of cases are the result of other diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus, hepatitis B or C infection, or some forms of cancer.
2. Minimal change disease (MCD)
It is the diagnosis given when a patient has the nephrotic syndrome and the kidney biopsy reveals little or no change to the structure of glomeruli or surrounding tissues when examined by a light microscope. Tiny drops of a fatty substance called a lipid may be present, but no scarring has taken place within the kidney. MCD may occur at any age, but it is most common in childhood.
Allopathic, good reason and treatment of illness is unknown and there is a corticosteroid type in the line of treatment, which temporarily reduces the emission of proteins in urine and hangs for a while, this is the administration of related complications. Some patients have been given Imunosprespivr drugs to prevent proteinuria, but the treatment will be completed once the proteinuria continues.The drugs may sometimes damage the patient’s kidneys even more. Whereas in Ayurveda, we dig at the cause of the disease to treat the underlying cause and not just try to suppress the symptoms. Patients can have a remission after a period of steroid therapy. However, frequent relapse is a typical sign of Nephrotic Syndrome. So, there is no long term sustainable results and cure of Nephrotic Syndrome available in Allopathy.
Ayurveda believes that this condition is caused due to the vitiation of Pitta dosha in the body and various Pitta normalizing medications are used in the treatment of the same Ayurvedic treatment is a traditional treatment in India and works on the principle of targeting the cause and not symptoms, taking into consideration the prakriti and dosha equilibrium of the patient.