Usual Signs And Symptoms Of Cancer Depending On The Organ Involved

Breast cancer:

the patient may develop a lump in the breast, inward turning of the nipples, dimpling or puckering of the skin overlying the breasts, and abnormal discharge from the nipples. Some women may observe the scaling and redness of the breast skin and nipple.

Lung cancer:

the patients may develop a chronic cough, difficulty in breathing, excessive sputum, blood in sputum and pain in the chest.

Prostate cancer:

The symptoms caused by prostate cancer are related to the pressure exerted by the enlarged mass of the prostate gland on the urethra, which it surrounds. The patient develops pain while passing urine, blood in urine, incomplete emptying of the bladder, trouble initiating the flow of urine, and uninterrupted flow of urine.

Colon cancer:

The usual symptoms caused by colon cancer are pain in the abdomen, blood in stools, indigestion, distention of the abdomen and alternating diarrhea and constipation.

Skin cancer:

The symptoms of skin cancer include the presence of able to seen growth on the skin, the formation of a mole, a change in the color of a part of the skin, itching, and ulceration. There may also be bleeding from the lesion throughout the length of with oozing of abnormal discharge.

Apart from these, the patients may develop a few more general symptoms as given below:

Loss of appetite

Unusual weight loss

Excessive weakness

Enlargement of lymph nodes

Early detection of cancer-based on these symptoms, physical examination of the patient, and the use of diagnostic methods such as the blood parameters, x-rays, CT scan, and MRI can help to initiate the treatment at an initial stage. This can help to improve the chances of recovery of the patient.

Natural Treatment For Cancer

The traditional cancer treatment is based on the type of cancer its stage, and the extent of its spread. The goal of

the treatment is to destroy as many abnormal cells as possible while minimizing the damage to the normal cells surrounding the cancerous mass. The treatment includes a combination of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery.

However, these conventional treatments can cause a high risk of side effects and do no ensure complete recovery of the patient. The cancer natural treatment using Ayurvedic herbal remedies, along with normal treatment can help in the destruction of the cancer cells without causing damage to the usual cells. These natural herbs are also lacking any side effects if taken under the guidance of experienced Ayurvedic experts.

Ayurvedic concept of Cancer

As stated by the Ayurvedic concept of cancer, this state can be categorized as Granthi (a minor or benign neoplasm) and Arbuda (a major or malignant neoplasm). It is believed to be an inflammatory or non-inflammatory swelling. The Ayurveda believes that cancer occurs due to the involvement of the three body-control mechanisms, which include the nervous system (Vata), the venous system (Pitta), and the circularity system (Kapha). In normal individuals, these systems coordinate to regulate the functions of the body.

 A benign neoplasm occurs when one or two of these body systems are not in control. This condition is not as harmful as the body still possesses the ability to coordinate the three systems. It may be caused as a result of an imbalance in any of the three doshas: Vata, Pitta or Kapha.

A malignant tumor happens due to the imbalance in all the three doshas and can be very harmful as it involves The deregulation of all the three-body systems. Due to this, the body loses its ability to prevent tissue damage leading to a morbid condition.

Ayurveda also describes the factors responsible for the aggravation of or imbalance in the doshas as given below:

The Vata aggravating factors include drastic mental or emotional stress and an excessive intake of pungent, bitter, astringent, and dry foods. The common Pitta aggravating factors are an overindulgent intake of salty, fried or sour foods and excessive anger. The Kapha aggravating element includes excessive intake of oily or sweet foods and a sedentary lifestyle.

The Ayurvedic treatment is aimed at correcting the underlying imbalance in the dosha. This helps to improve the coordination between the body’s systems and help a person to recover faster.

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